We believe that every individual on the face of this earth should live a healthy, happy and prosperous life.
Welcome to The Empowerment Center for Better Living. We’re glad you’re exploring what it means to be part of it. To find out your next step, please complete our form for more info.
Where You Can Find Us
We are at:
The Henry Booth House
2907 South Wabash Ave
Chicago IL 60616
Metaphysical Bible Study
Weekly Tuesday Nights
6:45PM – 7:45 PM
Power Talks
Weekly Thursday Night Spiritual Experience
6:45PM – 7:45 PM
Empowerment Center for Better Living Address: P.O. Box 7426 Chicago, Illinois 60680-7426 Phone: 773-347-1144 (update to this phone number) Email: info@empowerliving.org Website: www.empowerliving.org